Gardens are a place to share knowledge... and vegetables!

Gardening offers so many things to so many people. It offers many nutrients to live. It offers some a mental reprieve. It offers several an escape from whatever is happening in their daily lives. But regardless who you are, or how long you’ve been at it, gardening offers everyone a chance to learn. 

 This constant flow of learning opportunities creates an amazing environment for sharing information. Over the past several months, we’ve been able to utilize this environment and offer useful information via several means of delivery. This has allowed us to communicate in more ways so more people can hear us. 

 We maintained a strong focus on our social media presence, after seeing the positive feedback to our regular posts last summer. By offering weekly informative posts that coincided with the season, events being offered by the LFI or current national/international events, we were able to keep the posts useful and the information stream effective. 

We were able to reach another group of listeners by getting on StokeFM and sharing information from local farmers, gardeners and experts in their field. This was a great way to get Revelstokians information straight from their knowledgeable community members. 

Both those means were utilized to advertise the 3 Gardening Workshops we held. We had the privilege of hosting The Columbia Shuswap Regional District for an online workshop about Composting. We followed that up with a workshop about Kombucha in June. And finished with a workshop on preserving vegetables in August. All three were a great way to get people involved in the learning process and offered even more opportunities for information sharing. 

Successful gardens are built by gardeners that are constantly learning and improving. This program hoped to help a few gardeners on their way in that process.